Abdominoplasty Case 401
This 40 year old lady (5’10”, 186 lbs) underwent an abdominal plasty with muscle tightening and liposuction to the trunk. Postop your photos are taken 2 months after surgery.
Abdominoplasty Case 410
This 52 year-old (5’1” tall, 68 kg) underwent removal of breast implants (175cc) in combination with a breast lift. She also underwent an abdominoplasty with liposuction to the anterior abdomen and flanks. Post-op photographs are taken 3 months after surgery.
Abdominoplasty Case 422
This 35-year-old (5’0”, 110lbs) mother of two had previously undergone liposuction to the anterior abdomen, resulting in some lumpiness and unsatisfactory skin tightening. She underwent provision liposuction, and an abdominoplasty, no muscle tightening was required. Her postoperative photographs are taken three months after surgery.